Naughty Birds

Hi blog.

We’re now just over halfway into April, and the weather has become quite warm, with some days topping out at over 25℃, the Japanese Meteorological Agency’s definition of summer.

Despite the lovely weather we’ve been experiencing for several days, I was worried about getting even a single post out this month. Work is busy, plus I am going to enter a karate competition at the end of the month, so wildlife has taken a back seat. Enter the “stumble upon” moment to save the day.

I arrived at work on the 16th, the first day of the official lesson timetable, to hear some squabbling. Through a gap in the bushes, I saw a crow with some kind of fibers in its beak, probably for building a nest. As I rounded the bushes, I realized it was, in fact, a pair of jungle crows (currently designated as the large-billed crow, Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis) raiding the bristles from a broom that had been left outside. Since neither crow immediately fled, I was able to pull out my phone and take a video.

“I think that’s a clean sweep!”

Hopefully, I will get a second post done this month.

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